A Serendipity

Time:  Easter Morning, 1997.  Place:  Cambridge, England; Eden Baptist Church, one of the largest Baptist churches in a country not known for Baptist churches (although, ironically, the birthplace of them, according to some historians I have read.)  It is a morning I will never forget.  The visiting preacher, Orland Saer, spoke from the story of the travelers on the road to Emmaus.  Later I met a couple from the states who were missionaries in a seminary in Ethiopia, and the husband was studying at Cambridge to get his Ph.D.  They had attended Trinity Evangelical Divinity School, and I knew some former students who went there to study after Temple days (which I never speak about, maybe I'll write a blog post on it).  They knew my former students, who were also friends.  So, thousands of miles from home, I meet people who know friends of mine!  It was a great morning for me, because I had been in England nine days and was getting homesick, and it was sweet to be around other believers so far from home.

I said all that to say this, that coming home from work tonight I was listening to Janet Parshall, and she was interviewing Orlando Saer!  I always have wondered what happened to him.  He is a pastor in Southampton, England, now.  So cool. 


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