Only on Facebook
can you see, in juxtaposition, within 30 seconds Videos of how to make a chicken casserole with 3 ingredients reminders that Jesus loves you Memes of the Most Interesting Man in the World Political arguments (and I don't mean that in the sense of reasoned political discourse, but snipes at various candidates and their afficionados. Translate this to mean ad hominem arguments.) Lots of selfies and updated photos, making me wonder how often the people I know take photos of themselves Photos of children and grandchildren (which I thought was the point of FB) Lots and lots of Jack-ass or "America's Home Video"-type videos Plugs for products, advertising either paid for or not click bait about everything imaginable: how the Victorians photographed corpses, incognito gay politicians, secrets of "Full House," ad infinitum invitations to online games and more inspirational quotes and much more jumbled things.