Only on Facebook
can you see, in juxtaposition, within 30 seconds
- Videos of how to make a chicken casserole with 3 ingredients
- reminders that Jesus loves you
- Memes of the Most Interesting Man in the World
- Political arguments (and I don't mean that in the sense of reasoned political discourse, but snipes at various candidates and their afficionados. Translate this to mean ad hominem arguments.)
- Lots of selfies and updated photos, making me wonder how often the people I know take photos of themselves
- Photos of children and grandchildren (which I thought was the point of FB)
- Lots and lots of Jack-ass or "America's Home Video"-type videos
- Plugs for products, advertising either paid for or not
- click bait about everything imaginable: how the Victorians photographed corpses, incognito gay politicians, secrets of "Full House," ad infinitum
- invitations to online games
- and more inspirational quotes