NaNoWriMo Finished
I wrote 47,500 words. Due to flu and other life circumstances, I just couldn't get that last 2500 words. If you don't get to it, the NaNoWriMo folks sort of ignore you. I think I got one email of backhanded congratulations, but I was glad that I got written what I did at the absolute WORST time of the year (why November, people?).
I was able to flush out some characters and change the point of view and focus of the work, so I met my goals. It's a good program as long as one understands its purposes and doesn't think their "novel" product is ready for prime time.
I was able to flush out some characters and change the point of view and focus of the work, so I met my goals. It's a good program as long as one understands its purposes and doesn't think their "novel" product is ready for prime time.