Public Speaking Online: Part III

This is a continuation of articles below on speaking for webinars, etc. 

Experts give a few other preparation tips:

1.     Make sure you will not be interrupted during the webconference.  This can be extremely embarrassing as well as ineffective.  You have probably seen the priceless video from the BBC of an interview with an expert on Korea where his children photobomb the interview and then the mother tries to clean up the damage.  It is hilarious, but the same situation won’t be for you.  Lock the door, put a big sign on the door not to be disturbed, and turn off the phones.
2.     Have notes and anything else you need right at hand. 
3.     If you can be seen, be seen—use the technology to your advantage so that you are not an entirely disembodied voice talking over slides.

            Finally, in preparing, think humor.  Humor is a great attention-getter.  Cartoons, short videos, funny anecdotes, and visual humor can help you work against the temptations to multitask or daydream in a webinar. There is a limit and it should be tasteful and relevant, but humor might be one of your best allies.  Plus, it might increase your own energy level and fun with the webinar.


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