Morning News: Beware Bible Notes

Subdivision headings and notes in Bible are human interpretations!

(The title of this post is tongue-in-cheek, by the way.)

The notes in mine say Jesus did not appear to any unbelievers after the resurrection, other than Paul. What about his own brothers?  I don't see how they can make that conclusion.  (I Corinthians 15 does say 500 brethren at once.) 

They were not all believers in the resurrection at that time!

In other parts of the world ....

This recognition of the famine and genocide in Sudan, from which came many of my former ESL students at church, is heartbreaking, and one flounders at what to do. We want to help, but the warring factions prevent aid from coming in. What wickedness. I bought tires at Costco yesterday and thought I would do some grocery shopping there....I changed my mind when I realized 1. I had plenty of food in the house already and 2. too many people have nothing. 


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