Morning News, June 12. Forgiveness

 Last night someone extremely close to me said they forgave me for something that I did not think was worthy of forgiveness. By that I mean I didn't think it was a sin or offense. At the most, it was a miscommunication on their part. There was no intentionality.

I am mulling this over. Is this an opportunity to forgive the other person, to be wise and let it go, to wander back into the fray, or do some introspection as to why they might think I sinned against them?

However, I did realize a core flaw in my being, my character, that might have led to the misunderstanding or their view of my offense. I won't go into that here, but it's definitely something to consider. 

In other news, my dog has run away again and not returned. My neighbors have to forgive me for this, although he is a sweet dog who just likes to wander.  Usually he comes back by now, and he will be tied up for the remainder of the day. I have no choice in the matter, other than to spend a lot of money on a new fencing system or send him back to the humane society, or give him away.  

Also, in the wider world, why is conservative media making such a big deal about Hunter Biden? I suppose because his sins reflect on the president's closeness to corruption? One step away vs. the actual person? I continue to be appalled by evangelical leaders' (whoever those are) idolatry of a man whom Proverbs would label a fool. And by the current presidents' mental and physical weaknesses. Seriously?

And horrible war in going on in at least three parts of the world, probably much more.


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