Morning News, July 1

 Today is the mid-point day of the year. That is both sad (where did the time go, and how much of it was spent on nonsense and fixation about politics?) and encouraging. 

This is a good day to recalibrate. I did so by not succumbing to the temptation to watch "shorts," throwing away a rich desert, and reading some poetry. I will recommend the poetry of Rachel Landrum Crumble, a poet in my writers' group, and of Cynthia Robinson Young. Their backgrounds are different, but they write from a place of wisdom, which I really think is necessary in a poet (well, anyone who purports to put out writing for others). I read two Twitter posts and that will do.  Social media has become such a swamp.

I had a book event Saturday, an hour away. A bit of a waste of time, but some value; I return to the Rabbit Valley market in Ringgold this week. I am thankful for anyone who buys and reads my work. Those who read the free stuff, maybe a little less thankful!!! (Kind of kidding, not really). 

My granddaughter discovered our dog yesterday--13.5 year old pit mix female who is almost like a matriarch now. She laughed uproariously when Nala licked her feet and hands and grabbed Nala's ears, which Nala was amazing patient about.  When Nala left the room (wandering off), Annie grew upset and wanted her back.  

The other dog is not allowed in that part of the house. The sad thing is that Annie will get used to Nala and grow to love her as part of the family and Nala will probably not live much longer, although she is thriving at my house with plenty of space to roam and a companion she can take or leave. 

It's cooler this morning so that means time to cut grass.  Have a wonderful day, all!


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