Morning News, July 8: There Will be A Day

We sang this song yesterday and it was quite worshipful--no applause afterward.  Many say that worship songs today are not meaningful, but I disagree. Some are, some aren't. This one is. Recency of being published does not make a hymn good or bad. There are many old ones we do not know about because, I suppose, they did not resonate, and even worship songs have their fashions. 

But all that is argumentative and somewhat negative, so listen and read.  Sometimes my posts border on the "wise guy," but not today and yesterday.

How I long to breathe the air of Heaven
Where pain is gone and mercy fills the streetsTo look upon the One who bled to save meAnd walk with Him for all eternity
There will be a day when all will bow before HimThere will be a day when death will be no moreStanding face to face with He who died and rose againHoly, holy is the Lord
And every prayer we prayed in desperationThe songs of faith we sang through doubt and fearIn the end, we'll see that it was worth itWhen He returns to wipe away our tears
Oh, there will be a day when all will bow before HimThere will be a day when death will be no moreStanding face to face with He who died and rose againHoly, holy is the Lord
And on that day, we join the resurrectionAnd stand beside the heroes of the faithWith one voice, a thousand generationsSing, "Worthy is the Lamb who was slain"
And on that day, we join the resurrectionAnd stand beside the heroes of the faithWith one voice, a thousand generationsSing, "Worthy is the Lamb who was slain""Forever He shall reign"
So let it be today we shout the hymn of HeavenWith angels and the saints, we raise a mighty roarGlory to our God who gave us life beyond the graveHoly, holy is the Lord
So let it be today we shout the hymn of HeavenWith angels and the saints, we raise a mighty roarGlory to our God who gave us life beyond the graveHoly, holy is the Lord
Holy, holy is the LordHoly, holy is the Lord


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