Confronting Job
For the next three months in Sunday Bible study, we are facing off with Job, Ecclesiastes, and Song of Solomon. And I thought Ezekiel would be a challenge. The Lifeway study helps are a starting place; at least they limit me as to what I'm supposed to try to cover. But my goodness! These books confront the most existential problems of life--massive human suffering on a personal level, depression and despair, and eroticism. Job is the first one. I get to "Job feared God" and that's about as far as I get. My first lesson should be a Biblical definition of what it means to fear God. None of this "reverential awe" stuff. Job feared God. The ancient world had good reason to. Apparently we do not, despite the tsunami and the recent earthquake in Indonesia over the weekend and then let's not even talk about Katrina. Not that God is nature, but that God controls nature, and we can only prepare and run, we can't change it or "improve it."...