Southern Baptism
I go to a Southern Baptist church. There is something self-deprecating in even admitting to that, where I work. I teach at a state college. If I said I was a Wiccan, I would probably get more interest in my faith. My colleagues change the subject if I bring up my faith or even my church involvement. It's actually kind of funny; it's tempting to do it just to make them uncomfortable or see their reaction. Since I have no fear of losing my position--they need me desperately, as people with my credentials are hard to find--I don't shy from doing it. I have only attended a Southern Baptist church for less than three years. Before that, it was a Presbyterian Church of America congregation, which I preferred in terms of worship but decided to leave for complicated family reasons. I miss the mini-liturgy of the PCA. Before that it was more fundamentalist fellowships, and that is a story in itself. Being an ex-fundamentalist is like being a recovering alcoholic. Maybe I never reall...