
Showing posts from November, 2012


My reflection this morning is on self-promotion.   As a writer in today’s market, the only way to sell books—outside of having a very well known person on radio or TV give you a recommendation—is pure self-promotion.   Setting up book signings at every nook and cranny you can find, having cards made to pass out to everyone, websites, etc.   It’s a full-time job, and somewhat expensive, really.   . For two reasons I have failed at this part of the writing profession, although I think my writing is good.   One is time—I have a full-time job that pays the bills and am in a doctoral program.   Not much time for anything else beyond relationships.   Second is my personality and values orientation.   As a Christian I have had it beaten into me that “He must increase and I must decrease.”   There may be a line that one can walk between self-promotion and humility, but I haven’t found it yet.   For every minute one spends in self-promot...

Election PostMortem

I was as   disappointed—no, angry, deeply, deeply angry—about Obama’s re-election as anyone. I couldn’t sleep that night. There have been many postmortems about Romney’s campaign:   what he did wrong, whom he didn’t appeal to, why he couldn’t connect.   I do think many people had trouble connecting with someone so different--rich, never drinks coffee or a beer, an odd religion that many think is cultic. (I really wonder if he believes all the Mormon doctrine or just stays in it for family reasons.)  But the bottom line is that Obama spent the last 18 months, or maybe four years, appealing to groups to get him re-elected.   He has done nothing for the country; he’s a joke as a presidential leader.   Now all the crises are confronting him because he didn’t deal with them.   Obama is not like any president we’ve had before, and I don’t mean racially.   He is far more left-wing and unabashedly appears to have no interest in following the consti...

Are you kidding me? I hope this means over an extended period, at least (though it's still ridiculous).  But if he means in one year, we're doomed.  If he taxed those over $250,000 a year at 50% or better, it still wouldn't come near 1.6 Trillion.

The abject stupidity of the American electorate

That's all I can say. 

Interesting Video

This is Even Creepier than the other one Obama has no class.  He would denounce this stuff if he did.