
It's supposed to be 5 degrees in North Georgia tonight. I am staying in bed and reading tomorrow.

I am pleased that three colleagues in the last week, people with advanced degrees in English, praised my book. Of course, I'd like praise to translate into book sales. But I'll take the praise from people who know good writing.

Speaking of good writing, John Rawls' tome, A Theory of Justice, does not qualify. He could have written it in a fifth of the pages. Snore. At least I understood it. And his section on civil disobedience is interesting, because he distinguishes c.d. from "conscientious refusal." Christians in Acts 3 were not doing civil disobedience in the real sense.

I currently am teaching six classes, a triple overload, and running T&L Center, teaching SBS, doing a Beth Moore study (a subject for another post); trying to keep up with three elderly people and a husband, stay healthy, and read a bunch of books. I don't have time to write now, but it boils within me.

Finally, I watched President Bush's farewell address. I hope that in ten or twenty years people will realize how victimized we were by the left-wing's irrational hatred of Bush, some of it fueled by Satanic opposition to a person of faith. This is not to say he was a great president, often not even an adequate one. He just wasn't the absolute evil moron (an oxymoron; a moron can't be evil, because evil is a choice and a moron isn't smart enough to make choices) that the MSM goes on about. I saw something on the Internet about Will Ferrell (now there's a moron) doing a one-man show about Bush "to hold their feet to the fire." What the hoopie does that mean?


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