
I'm at least disappointed and at best terrified by the stimulus bill. It's just payola to Democratic cronies. If the media would shut up and Americans would study history, they would know this isn't as bad as the Great Depression but might be if the government doesn't leave it alone.

Why is federal government giving states money for schools? Why are the states accepting it? Don't they know what this will mean?

And what is this about the census being taken over by the White House? Since when was that their job?

The temptation is for Christians to hunker down and try to wait this out. Well, our first act should be prayer for God's intervention in this human craziness. Then get our own house in order--are we as led by greed as the whole country?

We are in this mess because of sin--greed, lies, fast buckitis, failure to pay our bills and taxes, etc.


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