Spokes in a Wheel

Isaiah 53 is an excellent meditation for passion week. It strikes me as a pivotal, central chapter in the whole Bible. While it probably doesn't have reference to every other book, it probably has a connection to most--definitively to the ceremonial law, to Genesis, to Davidic history, to other prophets, to the gospels, and to Revelation.

It begins in Isaiah 52:13. (No inspiration in those chapter and verse divisions, that's for sure) It can be divided into introduction, the human view, the reality view, and the interpretation.

The introduction key idea: He will startle the nations, and the kings will shut their mouths at Him.

The human view key idea: We hid as it were our faces from him. (What a wealth of thought and emotion is there--more tomorrow).

The reality view: He was wounded for our transgressions.

The interpretation: It pleased the LORD to bruise (crush) Him.


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