First 102 Days

Have we heard enough about President Obama's First 100 Days Yet? Will it become a national holiday? Sheesh!! I was absolutely enchanted by his press conference. His restraint is admirable--only three in his first three months in office. Considering how the media throws such verbal brickbats at him and is so unrelenting in its criticism, I wonder how he talks to them at all.

Well, that felt good. As I have written before, I am less concerned about President Obama than I am the news media and his disciples. And I'm just about as tired of Fox's negativity. I balance my Fox with my NPR dosage (when they aren't begging for money, which I refuse to give them when I can help pay for vaccines in the developing world). Fox is in danger of being the boy who cried "Wolf." They pick at everything so that the issues that matter won't get heard.

So, here's my evaluation of President Obama. I will not give him a grade. I can give my students grades in my field; I don't have a graduate degree in running the country. Giving him a grade shows even more arrogance than he does.

1. I am reminded of the old Gwendolyn Brooks poem, "He was so cool they called him Refrigerator." He is one smooth dude.

2. He is not as funny as he thinks he is.

3. He and his wife don't quite get what it means to be the President and First Lady. Defining your own style is one thing. Being cheap and tacky with gifts is another.

4. He's made some good decisions about foreign policy.

5. He's smart not to pursue FOCA.

6. In fact, he's extremely smart in general. I would never question his intelligence and it does no good to question his character. It's all about the policies, people; it's all about the ideas. He can lead; oh, my, he can lead; that's the problem. It's where he wants to lead that matters. It's hard not to believe he's power-hungry, which may stem from a powerless childhood. I really think there are some serious parental issues there.

7. He needs to stop pandering to the left-wing nut jobs and remember he's the president of everyone.

8. I would say stop with the press conference; there's a danger of over-exposure. But maybe he figures he can take advantage of the fawning press.

9. I think he has more character than Clinton and some other presidents; that may not be saying much, though.

10. I'm glad I believe in a sovereign God.


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