Logical responses to illogical arguments

From a discussion board on Christianity Today.

it is rather simple you are against gay marriage well do not have one. Were all sinners and short of the glory. Jesus came live among us to die for our sins. I honestly can not see the logic of someone choosing to be gay. I think you are born this way and you can not fully fight your nature. Let us prayer and try to offer Jesus message to all. We live in a world that is not black and white, but gray all over in some cases. Let us offer Christ love in this hateful world.

How do we answer this type of logic?

I have written below on the first sentence; it's not an argument.  The second sentence is a two wrong make a right argument.  How does one define sin?  Is a main question here.  The next part "I honestly .... nature."  Well, there are a lot of things are born with that we fight our nature.  Alcoholism is genetic; we fight that, don't we?

Yes, let's offer Jesus' message to the world.  What is it?

How does the grayness of the world reflect the gospel, or give us a reason to accept gay marriage? (or anything else?)  And "it's gray all over in some cases."  What does that mean?

Let us offer Christ's love in this hateful world.  Amen.  But that has nothing to do with changing the rules and laws of our civilization.

I am glad for Dan Cathy's starting this brouhaha, even though I think his words were harsh.  I'll eat lots of Chick-Fil-A now just because.  The thought police and enemies of free speech cannot win.

All that said, there may be some "logical" arguments for gay marriage from a civil rights perspective.  Le's be honest; one of the main reasons we Christians "fear" gay marriage (not gay people) is that the not unfounded belief that it will lead to religious persection.


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