Weighing in on the Republican Convention

I watched a significant part of this convention, on Fox of course because it was more likely to show the whole thing.  I watched Ann Romney's, Mike Huckabee's, Marco Rubio's, Clint Eastwood's, and Mitt Romeny's speeches.  I wanted to watch Paul Ryan's but was exhausted Wednesday night and just couldn't stay up.  Nor did I hear one of my heroes, Condi Rice, so I hope to watch those online today. 

I was amazed, and not unhappy, with the snarkiness of it.  Some great lines, especially Ryan's on the twenty-somethings living in their parents' basements and looking at the faded Obama posters and wanting to get on with their lives.  I have one of those twenty-somethings (he is taking care of his grandmother now, as she is going through chemotherapy).  I am angry about his job situation.  He has three interviews for a job and is told . . . well, sometimes nothing.  This has happened at least three times, maybe four. 

As to Clint Eastwood's, it was funny but not entirely appropriate.  His line, Joe Biden is the intellectual center of the Democratic party, was rough.  He is too worldly for most Republicans, who are not Hollywood types.  I laughed but don't think he should be that disrespectful to the president.  Of course, the Dems are not above the same type of stuff, since they claim Mitt Romney to be a felon, murderer, etc. 

Mitt Romney's line, "President Obama promised to slow the rising of the oceans and heal the planet.  I promise to help you and your family" I think will define this election, for good or bad.  Pres. Obama  overpromised and fed into the mythology of his saviorhood.  He has done nothing about oceans rising, but who is he, Moses?  Yet people so stupidly believed that nonsense (I don't want to call it rhetoric because I have an M.A. in rhetoric and don't want to demean my field). 

I do, of course, plan to vote for Mitt Romney because I could not vote for Obama under threat of imprisonment. Romney is, as Bill Clinton said, more than qualified to be president. 


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