He Had More Than a Dream, by the way

Very good thoughts on Dr. King's speech.  I agree.  I teach Letter from a Birmingham Jail and consider it more important than I Have a Dream and one of those texts necessary for graduation.


One poster wrote:  MLK was not a saint or orthodox Christian, but he was influenced by the teachings of Jesus of Nazareth like Gandhi, William Wilberforce, and many other civil rights reformers of the past, and would be marginalized in today's society for this reason. What passes for civil rights these days is an attempt to normalize morally questionable behaviors, rather than the protection of society's most vulnerable members. MLK believed rights are given to all by God, as opposed to today's movements that advocate force or bribery to take rights from one group and give them to another. Public discourse has become a platform for demonizing and talking past each other, instead of reasoning and listening to opposing views. The current civil rights groups have left those who are most in need of protection - unborn children, human trafficking slaves, the religiously persecuted, and victims of many other injustices in the world.


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