Reflections for Lent and a spring day, April 2, 2014

This was the first morning that I felt spring was here.  I wore sandals and jeans to work (not lecturing; always dress up for lectures).  Green has finally appeared.  We cut the grass and did yard work last night--I have dug up (manually tilled) half of my 200 square foot garden plot, and feel only a little back pain. 

Along with the beautiful weather, I am thankful for Christian radio.  I turned on WMBW this morning and the first song was "God and God Alone" by Steve Green, one of those songs we just might sing in heaven.  Then a song by Paul Belosh, "Jesus, You are my reward.... to see your face on that day, is all I am living for."  Actually, even if that is not our attitude in life, that is what we will have when we slough off this mortal coil, to quote Hamlet.  We will see his face and put all these distractions in perspective, so we might as well do it now.

Then Michael Easley (I miss him!) was preaching on distractions!  A theme.  My life is one big distraction.  I need to get the revision of my second step in the dissertation done by Friday morning, along with the rest of life.  God, save us from distractions.


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