The World's Oldest Living Doctoral Candidate

This evening I am returning to blogging, having reached two milestones:  the end of the school year, and the passing of my second critical milestone in my doctoral program, meaning that I am ABD and admitted to candidacy.  That really just means more work, and soon. 

While I doubt that my claim to be the world's oldest living doctoral candidate cannot be substantiated, I doubt there are very many older than me.  One other woman in my program is older, but she's not in candidacy, not yet (but will be).   I am sure there are doctoral students somewhere in the U.S. in their sixties, but heaven knows why. 

I used to say, having not gone through it, that doctoral work was jumping through hoops.  Maybe, but they are high hoops with flames around them.  And in the case of an action research dissertation, they keep moving and getting bigger and smaller at the same time.

I have three months of not having to get up for class at 8:00.  What a blessing.  I also have a long list of projects to be completed, and a number of personal commitments to attend to on a regular basis. I have a list of twenty blog topics to pursue.  I hope to write spiritual helpful things.


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