What I did Wrong as a Parent

This is a hard question, made all the more difficult because I can’t do anything about it other than admit it to my son and profess it on this blog so maybe someone else won’t do the same.
1.     I worried far too much what other people would think of my parenting skills and my child.  That’s my biggest.
2.     I didn’t serve with him enough in ministry; we served separately.
3.     I sometimes put work ahead of him.
4.     I let him watch too much TV.
5.     Lost my temper at him too much.
6.     I didn’t emphasize relationships with missionaries enough.
But good?
1.     We all went to church and didn’t talk bad about people.
2.     We went to historical places for trips and only once to DisneyPlace.
3.     Made sure he knew his larger family.
4.     He spent lots of time with his dad.
5.     We had family devotions every morning for seven years of high school.
6.     He knew he was expected to be a responsible adult at 18.
7.     I didn’t do his homework.
I guess if you can point to more good than bad, you’re ok. 


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