Fresh Look at Matthew: Matthew 28:11-15

--> Verses 11-15 are some of the most ironic in the Bible.  That must have been a pretty big bribe to get these guards out of the accusation that they fell asleep on duty.  “And if this comes to the governor’s ears, we will appease him and make you secure.”  Of course, considering how money was being made hand over fist in the temple, perhaps they had plenty to spare.  They could have given Judas more.  Matthew says the Jews still say this is what happened, but when he says “the Jews” I don’t think he means those of the Jewish faith.  Since thousands came to Christ after that, the Jews must mean those who held on to the old ways.

I can see why some would see these parts of the gospels as anti-semitic; they were written by Jews, however, (other than Luke) so it’s not a racial anti-semitism but a religious one.  Unfortunately that did not stop others many centuries later from excusing and even defending, even promulgating anti-semitism.  The so-called “alt-right” (what a misnomer, since they aren’t “right” or conservative in their ideology about government, the constitution, or human rights) promulgates anti-Jewishness and no real Christian can do that, or of course hatred toward any group since one of the cores of Christianity is human equality.  We are all created by God in his image and we are all broken, and some are not more broken than others by virtue of culture or race.  Just perhaps broken in different ways. 


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