Net Neutrality

As a communication professor, I have to be aware of these things.  I'm reading up on it.  And I can't make a decision.  I am neutral on net neutrality.

I see both sides.  I used to be a debate coach, so that's what they do.  I lean toward net neutrality, maybe 51%.  I don't think the anti-neutrality folks make a good enough case that consumers will not be hurt.  At the same time, I don't like federal regulations and do think the big ISP companies should be able to charge their own prices.  If people don't like it, we don't use it.  The problem is that it's hard to find other ISPs in a lot of areas, just like it's hard to find an alternative power or water company.  That's why I lean toward net neutrality. 

From what I read though, I think the horrible scenarios aren't going to happen.  Liberals and progressives have become Chicken Little about everything--we're all going to die from whatever the Republicans do.  It gets old. 


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