Hard question about free will and determinism

Something I said in class led a student to ask me a hard question the other day after my Interpersonal Communication class.

"Where do you come down on the issue of free will and determinism."


"It's not 50/50.  Some things are biologically determined or part of early development that they are set.  But I would lean on the side of free will.  I could never be an NBA player.  That's determined.  I can't change a lot of my circumstances.  But if we don't have free will, why get out of bed in the morning?"

It led to a good discussion, I was able to share that my world view came from my faith, and some of my background.

That is an area of apologetics that might open doors.

However, "free will" always struck me as a poor choice of words, as if it were an absolute.  That's not possible, so "reasonable or limited choice" makes more sense. 


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