Nothing new under the sun

This article is just a little better than clickbait, but worth reading.

I am reminded of the medieval categories of (why always four?) sanguine, melancholy, choleric, and phlegmatic. The four categories in this article almost perfectly match up with them. Sanguine-dopamine; melancholy, estrogen; choleric, testosterone;  phlegmatic - serotonin.

Quote from article: "She also discovered who is attracted to whom. People high in dopamine activity and people high in serotonin activity gravitate toward people like themselves. People high in testosterone or high in estrogen tend to like their opposites."

Since I have Kallman's syndrome, I do not have a lot of estrogen (any, actually). I was socialized to behave like I do, but don't know if that's really me.

I will share this with my Interpersonal Communication class next semester. Since these are all self-report surveys, I don't know how valid they really are.


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