Missing the basic point


This is the morning Breakpoint talk from the Colson Center. I like these and often share. I agree with what he says except I think he's missing the basic point.

Seriously, why watch television at all? Just because it has good production values? (yes, it does). So that we can relate to our culture (how much do we have to watch to understand the values of the culture?)

When people at work ask me about a tv show, I just say I don't watch TV. And I don't. The last show I watched faithfully was Person of Interest. Nothing since.

I have so much to do that I hope will matter in ten or twenty years, or longer, that I just don't.

That said, last night I regaled my family by singing all the words to "Mr. Ed themesong," "Gilligan's Island themesong, ""Beverly Hillbillies themesong," and "Green Acres themesong." This is after over 50 years. So I think I've done my time in terms of tv consumption.

True confessions addition, Oct. 3: I have watched three episodes of Jack Ryan on Amazon Prime. I got into the story about the terrorist's wife, although I don't see the need for the nudity, or the story about the soldier in the casino.  So I don't watch TV but that doesn't mean I don't watch anything.


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