Roma: Yes, it's very good and stop whining

Last Friday night I watched Roma on NetFlix. It is up for an Academy Award, which means little to me but heh, I was tired and it was free.

I thought Cuaron's work on Children of Men was superb, although I liked the book better, but he made a compelling version of it.

Roma is wonderful.

For those who say "Nothing happens until an hour and half in" I say, "grow up." You are wrong.  There is a lot happening, just as there is a lot happening in the day to day of life. The point is that he makes the mundane into a character study that then pays off.

I sometimes thought the main character, a domestic, was too passive and therefore not a strong protagonist, but . . . she is strong in a way most women are strong and we take for granted.  Yes, there are issues of class and ethnicity there, but those are non-negotiable. She is not fighting against the 30,000 foot influencers in her life, but the immediate ones.

I do not recommend movies to people because it is your own investment of time and I don't want to be responsible for that. But, I rate it quite highly.


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