Current events, fear, and decisions

Reflections on the recent tweets of our "fearless leader" (I use that because it used to be a moniker on the Rocky and Bullwinkle cartoons, and I find this particular person in question as the very least cartoonish).

Well, reflection requires something of substance to reflect on and contemplate, rather than just react to, and his tweets do not merit more than reaction, and a pretty nauseating one. First, they are stupid and ill-informed, since only Omar is an immigrant (a problematic one, to say the least, but a citizen and member of Congress, duly elected). Second, they are disgusting and xenophobic. Third, they are embarrassing. Fourth, they are ungodly. I don't see how any Christian who is concerned about ministry to immigrants or even missions can countenance them. 

As one of those in the last category, I can't help but think about what my ESL students say and feel about Trump (especially since they are Muslims and come from the forbidden countries). They come to a Baptist church where they are welcomed and befriended, yet most of the people in that church would vote for Trump.

What are we thinking? Who or what leads us? Whom do we serve? The God of the Bible, or a "never existing" version of the U.S. where immigrants are in the background?

On a related note,


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