On the Move Again

Hillary Clinton, whom I consider the reason for Trump being president, (as well as gutless Republicans) whines about the electoral college.

Well, yes, she did get more votes, but not in the right places. It's something like college students who change their majors and transfer to different colleges and accumulate more than 120 hours. They have enough hours to graduate, just not in the right disciplines.

The great irony has always been that her husband became president with only 43% of the popular vote. Far below a majority. She didn't have a mathematical majority either. She and Trump combined only won 94.3% of the vote.

Will Trump get through this? I think his attitude is like that of the Virginia governor of whom pictures in blackface (or a KKK robe) were found. He just rode it out and the media got tired of it.  Trump doesn't care. He'll just say increasingly outrageous things about his enemies and opponents (but I repeat myself). 


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