A little bit of confusion

My pastor often says "we are broken," and "we are all kinds of crazy." I hear others say we are a mess.

Part of me cringes or pushes back at that. If we are in Christ, should we be going around pointing to how messed up we are? Is God glorified in that.

Yes, and no. First, you can't be in Christ until you confess to being a sinner. Let's just use the Bible word. Broken? Well, ok, but that doesn't get to the heart--we violate the being and plan God wants for us, and we do it deliberately, not just because "we were born this way."

So we start with acceptance of the abject reality of our sinfulness, which is what makes us broken (not the other way around). Christians should be living in reality of who we are. So we have two choices: trust Jesus to transform us because we are broken, or lay back and let brokenness be our way of being, our identity, our excuse. Obviously, the first is the right one. I just fear that too much talk about our brokenness, rather than our identity in Christ, sends us in the wrong direction.

Still, living in the reality of our sin is not to be denied.


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