If You Are Looking for a 2020 Resolution

I'm reading Bored and Brilliant by Manoush Zomorodi. I confess to misunderstanding the title at first. She isn't saying that current tech-infused and controlled people are Bored and Brilliant, but that allowing ourselves to be bored will create space for our creativity to grow. Maybe Bored, So Brilliant might say it better.

She runs a NPR program where some time ago listeners took a challenge about small steps to disconnect themselves from their devices. Not all out "throw the smartphone in the garbage" but ways to get it away from ourselves and our schedules.

Example: Put your smartphone in your purse or briefcase en route to work, or even to the bathroom. (Or of course just leave it on your desk. Do we seriously have to carry the phone to the toilet? And yet, we do!)

Example 2: Do not have it sitting on the table during a conversation or meal. We all complain about our partners being distracted by their phones during a date or dinner. Well, duh!

The improvements in empathy, relationships, and productivity when we do these small steps can be, and have been proven to be, remarkable.

So this seems like a much more reasonable resolution than getting a Peloton.


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