Nehemiah: An example of leadership

I have written a book on Daniel's leadership in a secular position and how he maintained integrity, faith, and testimony. Nehemiah is another example of the same.

Here are the notes for my small group lesson on Nehemiah tomorrow. One lesson is not enough to explore this book. There are several Bible studies along this line, Chuck Swindoll's Hand Me Another Brick being probably the most famous. 

Time: He and Ezra are leaders of the last group of Jews back from the Exile, which began in 535 B.C. He leads the rebuilding of the wall starting in 445 or 444 BC.
Ezra is a religious leader who led the rebuilding of the Temple. Nehemiah is a secular leader who leads the people to protect themselves.
Nehemiah is a high level administrator for King Artaxerxes (son of Esther’s husband) I. 1:1-4. 2:1-8; 4.
Nehemiah models leadership ability, seen in:
His compassion. 1:4
Confession. Identified himself with the people he leads, even their sin. 1:5-11; Chapter 9
Vision: 2:5
Understanding how to organize people for a project. They rebuilt the wall in less than 2 months.
Able to see a problem and demand the people get it right – oppression of the poor, 51-13
Led them to follow the Mosaic law and celebrate Feast of Tabernacles, reminded them of their past. (8)
What events of your past encourage you now as you remember God’s deliverance/blessing?
 The outstanding point: He deals with opposition. To the work and to his own life (4, 6). Application: His main method for dealing with opposition is prayer.  
Let us remember that we face minimal opposition, general, for our faith. Let's widen our vision and pray for those in China, North Korea, parts of South Asia, and otherwise who face true opposition. 


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