Lent Reflection #17 for March 15: Silence

It's the Lord's Day. I believe I will practice silence, which means more time to listen. God speaks all the time; we just don't hear because we can't or won't be silent and listen. Not a profound message, but a needful one in this noisy culture.

A missionary couple I've known since college days were in town and we met for breakfast Saturday (at a half-full-at-10:00 a.m. Cracker Barrel). The husband told two stories of answered prayers that followed periods of silence and waiting--one sort of a cute personal anecdote from their dating years, and the other about his decision to go to the mission field. 

We are all in the midst of self- or authority-imposed quarantine. Plus, it's raining and gray at my home (as it has been for several months). We are practicing quiet and silence. It is sweet, once you get used to it. 


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