Lent Reflection #25: Religion, Spirituality, "Nones", and the Church

Interesting article: https://getpocket.com/explore/item/atheists-are-sometimes-more-religious-than-christians?utm_source=pocket-newtab

I'll summarize. People who say they are unaffiliated religiously or even agnostic/atheists still desire the trappings of religious faith: ritual, beauty, purpose, community, music, transcendence.

Who would have thought it? (kind of a duh)

Yet they are also (probably don't want) a concept of sin, accountability, authority, and the possibility/requirement to change over their lives (my take).

Can we have it both ways? Well, sure, is this "plane of existence," this life.

If you are reading this it's because (probably) you recognize we can't have it both ways. Fortunately, there is great freedom of expression and being in following Jesus: "Come unto me all you that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you..."


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