More on Hypocrisy

In my doctoral work I learned about Chris Argyris and Donald Schon's work. Here is a good synopsis:

Briefly, Argyris proposed "Theories in use" or "theories in action" vs. espoused theory, and used action science methodologies to pull out those theories in use that conflict with espoused theory. I see the value of using this approach in, for example, an interpersonal communication or a management class. I may say I believe, or have a mental map, of a certain type, but when I am in the situation, I might default to another mental map: my theories in action, that I don't even recognize fully or at all.

I think this relates to hypocrisy, or accusations thereof. We do not always see our theories in use in conflict with our espoused theories. It takes a sometimes painful process to bring them out.


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