Post 19 of Study: Hebrews 2

Hebrews 2:10-18 is very dense in meaning. One must be in a certain frame of mind to explicate it, and my dog is sick! However, the overall point is Christ's identification with those who believe Him and follow Him. "He is not ashamed to call them brethen," "the sanctifier and the sanctified are all of one," "He was partaker of flesh and blood like the children," "In all things He was made like His brethren...."

Perhaps this emphasis is to combat three wrong ideas of the time, and still today. First, that the angels have anything to do with salvation, and 2. that the body reality of Christ not central for Him to identify (it is), and 3. His identification is incomplete. It is complete, a hard concept for us to follow because we also believe Him to be God. 

The take-away is that Jesus understands rejection and unwarranted criticism and denigration from others who should know better and even from the closest family members. Even his brothers thought He had lost His mind, although James wised up after the resurrection, as did probably the others.


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