
 I'm fixing to defriend a lot of people on Facebook because of their obnoxious, relentless political opinions. On both sides.

I am no friend of Trump. Not at all. Rarely if ever have said a good thing about him, because there is little good to say. Don't know what I'll do about voting. (Other than doing it in person). I have to vote for positions other than the president. (I never use the phrase "fixing to" either, except when angry.)

But this slander against Amy Coney Barrett by women is amazing. Disconcerting. Disgusting. As someone quipped, "Yeah, it's like the Handmaid's Tale if the handmaids had law degree sand were appointed to the highest court on the land."

Do they think they are helping the cause of women? Do they really think Roe will get overturned? Why are they so afraid of that? (Maybe because it's bad law?) Do they really just think we need more abortions in this country?

Are they embarrassed because of their own deficiencies? Jealous a little, maybe?


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