Advent Visualized: December 21

The solstice. My mood yesterday fit the darkening; I hope today. 

It seems that every artist or writer has to do something along a Christmas theme, so my post today for Advent Visualized is mine. A writer friend texted me this morning about how much she enjoyed this book. It's actually my favorite. I wrote the first draft for NaNoWriMo in November 2011. During a quarantine for flu, I published it as my first effort on Amazon in April 2012. It's my only book in present tense. But I think the story is very good and appropriate for now; it combines a story by Tolstoy, the refugee crisis, the Luke narrative, culture wars, and the Iraq War into a pretty coherent and hopeful narrative. You can get it for $3.36 on Kindle (or from me in paperback for $8)



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