Post 79 of Study: Hebrews 13:8

 Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever. 

The final word, eh? Some might question that, considering that the writer himself says that Jesus "became." In whatever way He became, it did not change His being, His essence. God changeth not; Jesus the Son of God changes not. What yesterday is spoken of is unclear--yesterday in eternity past or since His appearance on earth? How long is "today?" I think we read it as eternity past, the present, and the eternal future. Jesus is the same in power, holiness, deity, and so many more.

I struggle with the context here too, or  I should say, its place in the context. I see the connection to verse 9: Since Jesus is the same, do not get tossed about with new doctrines (and there is no end to those).  With verse 8, it is admonition to follow spiritual leaders; they might change over time, as people die and move on. Jesus, the example being extolled in Hebrews, does not change or move on in His leadership.

However, I do not make these connections authoritatively. There are many admonitions and directions listed here that do not seem on the surface to have logical flow as the writer ends the book. This may be one without a clear connection.


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