I am on a kind of hiatus. Struggling with motivation and fatigue, I find my attention is turned to other things, including the cloud that hovers over all of us when we feel bad, that it might be COVID and none of us knows how COVID will affect us. It is like a disease lottery; it might kill us, cause permanent lung damage, or, as for most, be a minor inconvenience for a few days. The cold is a coronavirus, too. 

There are thousands of posts here, so you are welcome to go back and delve into what I have written since 2006. I have a blog at, my website, and lot of books.

Tomorrow is the commemoration of Martin Luther King's birthday, which should be more a part of our consciousness than it is; it is "the day white people go out to lunch with friends" since so many are off work and do not actively engage in the holiday's meaning. We white people selectively quote MLKing when it fits our viewpoints. 

I recommend the movie Hidden Figures. It is a story of brilliant women displaying dignity and insisting on respect they deserved as human beings and skilled mathematicians. It pains me that within my life there were actually "colored" bathrooms and water fountains. 

I do not know when I will return to this blog. The current public health (why didn't they plan the vaccine administration better--oh, yeah, the president was screaming about the election) and political controversies do not need another whiny voice commenting on them. 

We need prayer and repentance at all levels. Since I don't expect arrogant leftists to do it, those who believe in prayer and repentance will have to do it for them. 


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