Pondering This Article by Al Mohler

Al Mohler, Women's Roles

I admit to being conflicted over this article. He doesn't do a very good job of defending the "only men as pastors"position other than that it's part of the Baptist Faith and Message.  OK, no way to argue against that, of course.  And he argues, I think, that part (a significant part) of the reason for the liberalization of the mainlines Protestant churches was women pastors, and that the same issue was one of the reasons for the "Conservative Resurgence" in the SBC. Well, he would know better than I, I suppose, but I have my doubts. To me "women in pastoral ministry" was an effect, not a cause. 

 In my younger years (pre-60) I was all in with the idea of "male pastors only." I still bend that way, but ...I don't consider it a fundamental of the faith. Female missionaries have been leading the churches in other countries for over a hundred years. I am pretty tired of a 25-year-old having the opportunity to have spiritual authority over a person my age because of his chromosomes.


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