Call out

I'm getting a lot of traffic here. Just a reminder, I have lots of books on Amazon. And they are good, folks. I'm reading some more current fiction (will write upon that later) and mine is in the same range, although not quite as appealing to some demographics. If you're looking for the F-word, it won't be there, and I use damn but keep God out of it, as we used to say. 

That of course, I only say for those who want "clean" writing. Otherwise, it deals with the messiness of life. My job as a professor might lead someone to think I'm in an ivory tower--what the heck is an ivory tower? There aren't enough elephants to build a tower--but let me tell you, I've cleaned toilets, waited tables, flipped burgers, and worked a lot of retail, for years, to get an education. I hope to put even more of that in my writing going forward, because I do tend to write about uptight people. 

Check me out on, I apologize, Amazon and other online booksellers,


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