The Profound and Profane all in the same movie

 Last week (on my son's HBO MAX account) I watched He's Just Not That Into You.

It's another movie I can't recommend in all good conscience, but really. . . it might be worth a look. 

The theme is a message to all women who try to manipulate men into relationships: “If a guy wants to date you, he will make it happen.” At the beginning of the film it shows a little boy pushing a little girl down and then her mother saying “he did it because he likes you.” What a horrible thing to say to a child--but we do! Abuse is okay, it's a sign of love! The film goes on to explore how this translates into everyday experience in the lies we women tell ourselves and each other, sometimes believing them, sometimes trying to make our friends feel better, and sometimes to be devious.

I've been the recipient of such lies and lines, and I know women who have believed them and tried to create relationships that didn't exist. Why? Because we women are willing to put up with c--- waiting for a man’s approval. Because we can't live alone. Because we think we are nothing without a man. Because we aren't looking at the (male) person but at "the relationship." 

At the same time, women are more than capable of cheating and adulterizing--women just might be better at hiding it because it's less expected. That's the other theme of the movie. 

Actually, except for language, there isn't a lot of sex or objectionable materials in the movie. However, its ethic is totally secular and living together is the norm.   


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