Goober the Clown

 I am not sure whether Cecily Strong's Saturday Night Live bit as Goober the Clown speaking about abortion rights was tasteless, ironic, sincere, or just plain sad. No, it was sad for women who had abortions. It was an argument for pro-life. 

You can find it on YouTube. It's weird, of course, and not really funny. But some of the lines were telling:

"I got an abortion at 23 and I wouldn't be able to be a clown on this show if I hadn't had the abortion."

You hear a version of that a lot with women who want to defend their abortions. "I wouldn't have been able to .... without abortion." And usually those things are being an actress, getting on TV, etc. The equivalent of being a clown.  A clown versus being a mother. Hummm? A clown versus a human life.

The fact that women are being equated with clowns is kind of telling, too. My point is that a lot of lines could be taken the opposite. There was nothing funny about the skit; if it was propaganda for abortion, it was only partially successful. She would say an applause pro-choice line, and then turn around and show the weakness of it. 

If you haven't watched it, I don't say you should, necessarily. But if it's an argument for abortion rights, it's a failure.


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