Jude: False teachers--what are they?

 Jude is a short book that excoriates false teachers. But what are they? We tend to think they teach wrong doctrine. That is true, but also involved is their motive and purpose for doing it. Why would someone teach and disseminate false, nonBiblical doctrine? Just because they don't know any better? Just because they think it's right? 

It's pretty clear that Jude concludes they are "clouds without water." Their problem is not wrong doctrine, but the desire to destroy people's lives through wrong doctrine. 

Case in point: https://www.christianitytoday.com/news/2021/november/judy-dabler-creative-conciliation-abuse-lapm-unfit-ministry.html

This article is horrifying. More later, perhaps. Second case in point, CT's podcast on Mark Driscoll, who did not really teach bad doctrine as much as treat his staff and members abusively. (His story convinces me that pastors should attend seminary.)


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