Fulbright Application

 The Coordinator of International Education at our college sent out an announcement/invitation for faculty to apply for a Fulbright Scholarship. I asked permission and am doing so. 

It's rather involved, like applying for a doctoral program. My application is for Norway, and the month-long seminar is in July/August. Not great timing for me. I doubt I will be awarded it anyway, but I want to visit Norway and have long wanted to do a Fulbright. 

Not that Fulbright himself and I would not have had pretty strong political disagreement (he was a a great admirer of Woodrow Wilson, Wikipedia states). So be it. It would be a life experience to be in a socialist democratic Nordic country from which my 1000-years-ago ancestors came (to Scotland, I'm sure). 

For those interested, this is what is required. Keep in mind, it's assumed the applicant is an educator.

1. CV

2. Two letters of reference, one from a colleague and one from a supervisor. 

3. Three essays, one about why, one about your experience with foreign travel (I don't think they want anyone who will be inflexible), and one about how you will disseminate your experience to colleagues and students.

4. Proof (in my case, for extra points) that one teaches at a minority serving institution (I do). 

I've written the essays and am waiting on one more letter of reference. Of course, with the omicron variant, who knows what will happen.


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