You can Help Ukraine

 My last post "You Can't Help People" must not be misunderstood. It's about people in the U.S. who prefer their lifestyle and want you to fund it. Not at all about people in real need. 

I have, like many, so much anger and frustration and fear for and about what's going on in Ukraine. I'm not going to virtue signal. We can only pray and find a legit organization that can help them, although right now that seems impossible. 

Ukraine is a deeply Christian country and a deeply resource-rich country. The first matters more, but the second is why Putin is attacking, really, and the first will come under attack if the nihilist wins. 

And they are taking their own defense seriously, not waiting for help from a lethargic Europe. I can't accept that Europe was so useless in this drama. 

The words of the president Zelensky resonate: "I need ammunition, not a ride."


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