Number 2700

Yes, this is the 2700th entry to this blog. I've been typing away since 2006, now over 16 years. 

I've also lived in my house for a year this week. 

This morning in Life Group class, someone had left a "live" Alexa in the room. We played with it a bit, had a laugh, then unplugged it; Alexa protested when Yoka said she was going to turn her off. Good grief. One woman asked Alexa if she believed in Jesus. She gave a condescending answer about different religious viewpoints. Alexa is downright creepy. Big tech already knows too much!

That being said, I could write more, but there are some parts of my life I would like private.  

I did pick blackberries today, though; they weren't plump, and it was hot, but it's still a joy.


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