Solomon's heart problem


Generally, I prefer to teach the New Testament, about Jesus and the teachings of grace, the riches of Christ. But we don’t get that option, either by the Lifeway guide or by the Lord. The accounts in the Old Testament (Hebrew Bible) are examples.  I Corinthians 10:11-13 (Read)  Meaning.  We have choice.

So Let’s start where we left off:

*Proverbs 4:23. Guard your heart with all diligence, for out of it spring (flow) the issues of life. 

Ultimately, we find out Solomon’s problem was a heart problem.

He was to walk with a heart of integrity, I Kings 9:4-9

What is the heart in the Hebrew mind?

What is a heart of integrity?

Not just being honest about money. Integrity means wholehearted, complete, consistent through and through. “the state of being whole and undivided.” Engineers talk of bridges having integrity.

This is such a revelation, reminder, and restoration for me for these reasons:

1.     I am a box checker. I live by lists, everyday, checking them off, gauging the day based on that. (What about retirement!? Sharon) I want to be more than that.

2.     Dualism, mind-body split, brain-heart split

3.     Real wellness.  Eight dimensions:  social, intellectual, physical, occupational, environmental, financial, emotional, spiritual. 

Model is wrong, through; Bible says spiritual is in the middle and the rest come out of it, like spokes, and all spokes are needed for a full life but all wheels must have hubs.


Back to Solomon. Recap: 

I Kings 9:4-9: second appearance of God to Solomon, reminder of his responsibility and promise to David.

I Kings 9 and 10: his great wealth and achievements. We find that Solomon not only amassed wives, but he oppressed the people with taxes for his own wealth. 12:4.

I Kings 11:1-13: Solomon’s sin and downfall (last week)

I Kings 11:26-40: Prophecy to Jeroboam that he would become leader/king of the ten tribes and Judah and Benjamin would stay with a Davidic descendant (Rehoboam)

I Kings 12: Kingdom split and starts 350 years of chaos before the Babylonian captivity.




Mystery: God knows the future, but gives us choice anyway.

The Church, the bride of Christ, is not Israel. But we do have a King. Let’s act like it now to get ready for his kingship in eternity.

Our King:

1.not like the English, or other political systems.

2. Our King earned his place through the cross and well as deserving it by being himself ;

3. Is perfect in judgment

4. Will not need advisors or toadies

5. Will never be deposed or die.

6. Will only do what is best for his people. 

7. Will never misuse his position.


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